What we do

We provide 1-1 counselling, coaching, groupwork, supervision and training addressing dyslexia related issues, either at our North London base; by Skype/Zoom or by referral via our GroOops Dyslexia Aware Emotional Wellbeing and Counselling Network.

We can provide keynote speeches, lectures and workshops with other partnerships by arrangement.

By continuing to bring together like-minded individuals, we have built a creative community of inspirational practitioners and participants dedicated to developing a healthy, dyslexia aware world.  

GroOops Dyslexia Aware Counselling is committed to maintaining ethical standards at all times and works within the Ethical Framework provided by the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society.

The results

Would recommend us
Felt listened to

Our work is all about boosting self esteem and confidence and to provide consistent, positive reinforcement by focussing on individual and social qualities.

Feelings, beliefs and behaviours are reflected upon and reframed and active choices are encouraged.

We build a sense of purpose and direction, a positive sense of control and an integrated sense of dyslexic awareness.

By increasing resilience, self control, self understanding and self discipline the world becomes an easier place to live in.

What our clients say about us

We have worked with over 2000 clients.

Reported increased resilience.
Considered GroOops easier to work with than other forms of support.
Felt their confidence had improved.

It's been a huge relief. Understanding more about neurodiversity has made me appreciate and know myself more and to take heart from that.


Penny is a fantastic presenter who delivered the talk with warmth and knowledge. She provided us with a better insight into the current thinking around neuro-diversity and the challenges that people with dyslexia and other diversities can face. I would really recommend other organisations having input from GroOops, it was an education that is useful on both a professional and personal level.

Event organiserOctavia Living Presentation “How to understand your resident dyslexic”

I have been helped to reframe and "re word" what I thought was 'stupidity', and which I now think of as aspects of my dyslexia. The emotional understanding of how my dyslexia has affected my life has been created (not there before). And a better understanding of what dyslexia actually is.


I really want to pay tribute to Pennie’s skill and the warmth and generosity of spirit with which this training was delivered. The environment added another dimension and felt very congruent with the messaging around self-disclosure, collaborative working with the client, equality and the essential humanity of the approach.

Training ParticipantPsychotherapist

I am certainly happier as a person since coming to GroOops. I generally do feel more self-aware about the triggers that are likely to make me stress and anxious.

ClientSocial Worker

If you have never had dyslexic counselling before, GroOops offer a better understanding, knowledge and skills. I feel different and a weight has been lifted.


Would you like to know more?

Please download further information here which covers:-

  • What precisely is Dyslexia?
  • How it manifests itself and affects the dyslexic and others?
  • What are the emotional repercussions?
  • What does the dyslexic brain look like?
  • How does counselling help?
Download HERE.