How we do it

Our start point is to celebrate the often unappreciated strengths and creative gifts dyslexic people can possess.

Our counselling and coaching programme incorporates an integrative, predominantly Humanistic approach, which also incorporates theories and strategies from CBT, Mindfulness, psycho-education, Human Givens and psychodynamic modalities which we have found through the years to be particularly helpful for our dyslexic clients.  

To inspire creativity, we also include elements of the following when applicable and appropriate:-

Our understanding and empathy stems from the fact that everyone connected with GroOops identifies as being neurodiverse or having extensive experience of living with dyslexia. This affords us a thorough and truly relational appreciation of how dyslexia can impact on emotions and behaviour – and what can be done to alleviate distress, minimise anxiety and promote growth and self-understanding.

We work through the emotional impact dyslexia (or an assessment of dyslexia) can have on a person and how to contend with change and transitions.  

We focus on developing healthy coping mechanisms and strategies to allow us to successfully develop a strong sense of dyslexic identity and self advocacy.  

We help our clients to appreciate the strengths of dyslexia; understand weaknesses compassionately; develop healthy coping mechanisms to contend with emotions – All leading to the development of self-efficacy, resilience and personal wellbeing.

Where we work

Our North London counselling rooms and training base are situated in a non-clinical setting and provide a safe, tranquil, nurturing, confidential and respectful space in which to explore the emotional challenges of dyslexia.  

Although our main base is in North London, we also work widely throughout the UK when delivering larger group work, key note speeches, supervision and training.

Our developing GroOops Dyslexia Aware Emotional Wellbeing and Counselling Network is a burgeoning community of dyslexia aware professionals who have attended our trainings and are deemed competent enough in our approach to take referrals if clients are outside our catchment area.

Our dyslexia aware counselling sessions are provided via Zoom, making them accessible to all.

We provide Dyslexia aware services

1-1 Dyslexia aware counselling, coaching and mentoring

Sessions are usually on a weekly basis, on the same day and at the same time. We operate a sliding scale of costs dependent on the level of expertise required.

GroOops Dyslexia Aware Counselling  is committed to maintaining ethical standards at all times and works within the Ethical Framework provided by the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society.

Supervision for professionals

For counsellors, psychotherapists and those in related professions such as teachers, social workers, dyslexia tutors, youth workers. Individual or group sessions.

Training for professionals and membership of our Counselling Network.

Trainings are available and by arrangement for all professionals associated with dyslexia such as tutors, managers, psychotherapists, counsellors, social workers, teachers, youth workers etc.

What has been different about GroOops? Having a fellow neurodiverse person coming along with me on the journey, rather than - immediately being them/other/different/isolated/less than/below par/something to be fixed.


I found the opportunity to be in a room filled with people either with dyslexia or who work with/or are parents to someone with dyslexia, a moving experience. The community feel and 'not being alone' is what I felt to have been encouraging, in my walk of discovery and understanding of my own dyslexia.

Event Attendee“Mad, Bad, Sad or just dyslexic?”

I especially loved what positive aspects this talk focused on.

Event attendee“Mad, Bad, Sad or just dyslexic?”

The presentation was brilliant and optimistic. Pennie emphasised the struggles and the misunderstandings associated with being neurodiverse. I feel now reassured that there is a community to help support people with dyslexia. It was good to hear the attendees’ feelings and knowing that 'it's not just me', that others find it difficult too.

Event attendee“Mad, Bad, Sad or just dyslexic?”

What has been most useful? Space to speak - verbalise what has been running around in my head. To have this mirrored back to me and to be told that “things were ok!” This allowed me to breath. The positive reinforcement was invaluable. As well as hearing that I wasn’t alone and that many people had similar experiences.


Really important experience, mainly personally, but also to think about the neurodiversity of my clinical population

Training ParticipantClinic Psychologist